Cease and Desist Letter to Bellevue School District Over Its Illegal Quarantine Order
WHITE PAPER: Opposition to Proposal to Eliminate Jury Trials In Favor of Internet/Zoom Trials.
The Washington Supreme Court published proposed rules to allow trial judges to unilaterally deny the right to a jury trial in favor of a Zoom trial. While their good faith intention is accepted, in practice it will deprive maginalized individuals access to justice and harm equity, diversity, and inclusion. Finally, even if none of those important values are concsidered, the simple fact is it would be a direct violation of the Constitutionally protected right to jury trial even in civil matters (under Washington's Constitution) and lead to incorrect and unfair result.
For our WHITE PAPER, follow this link.
Referral Service Contingency Fees
State Bar acknowledges inappropriate tactics against Dan Bridges
Civil Rules Drafting Work Group
**The Supreme Court ordered published for comment proposed Civil Rule amendments to streamline and update discovery by the Civil Rules Drafting Work Group chaired by Partner Dan Bridges. That Order is new and has not been posted yet by the Court. You can read the Order with full proposed amendments by clicking the link immediately above.
https://www.mcbdlaw.com/hope-for-those-charged-with-sexual-harassment-new-law-in-title-ix-mattersWHITE PAPER: Hope for those charged with sexual harassment: New law in Title IX matters
Access to patient medical records
Failings of Washington LLLT program
Dan Bridges, Washington State Bar Association Governor and Treasurer at staff event:Dan Bridges WSBA Governor and Treasurer